These strips use a completely hidden fastening system developed by MAR-K. Special bolts slide into the groove on the underside of the strip to adjust to any bolt location. Polished bed strips are very shiny, giving them a “chrome” look. These strips are precut to correct length for your truck. Bed strips include the correct number of (1 1/4″) hidden fasteners for your truck.
Kit Includes
- 1 1/4″ hidden fasteners needed for this truck.
- 7 bed strips needed for this truck
Each strip is 1 1/2″ wide (195cm L). Stainless steel is type 430, bright and magnetic.
PLEASE NOTE: These strips include 1-1/4″ fasteners. If you need 2″ fasteners select that option
Install Instructions; BedStripWithHiddenFasteners